Cheryl Cran – Leadership & Future of Work, Expert

Cheryl Cran- The Future of Work ExpertCHERYL CRAN
Four Questions A Future Ready Leader Needs to Ask Every Day



Leadership and change expert Cheryl Cran helps leaders and their teams build “future” workplaces. Through her research into the future of work, technology, innovation, and generational impact, she helps drive transformation in a fast-paced world.

Cheryl understands that a majority of a leader’s day is spent putting out fires and dealing with the immediate. So, how can you make sure the long-term doesn’t get outweighed by the short-term? She recommends “future-ready” leaders to start each day with four simple questions:

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Dr. Janet Lapp | Change Management & Leadership Speaker

Speaker, Dr. Janet LappDR. JANET LAPP
ChangeFitâ„¢: Five ways to more Flexibility and Better Ideas

Dr. Janet Lapp delivers a powerful message: change is not a force to be feared but an opportunity to be seized. With humour and finesse, she confronts her audiences with the truth of what they need to do–and how they need to think–to move into the future with success and optimism. Her energy-charged, exhilarating programs provide usable ideas people can put to use right away. Below, Janet Lapp writes about change pioneer-ship:

It struck me while listening to programs from the Industry Strategy Meeting 2016 (Tianjin, China) that disruptions in the future of work will demand not change leadership but change ‘pioneer-ship.’ Rather than change to lead, there is change to invent.

So I wondered what simple consistent actions could help us gear up to be ‘Change Pioneers?’ Here are five quick-start jolts to thinking status-quo that are easy to schedule. As stand-alones, they don’t seem so impressive. Try even one or two of them for even a week or two and I bet you’ll be surprised at the new ideas that pop up.

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BLOG: Speaker Warren Macdonald: Uncertainty & Changing Your Perspective

Warren Macdonald - Motivational Speaker & Change Expert -


Warren Macdonald has climbed over obstacles most people cannot imagine. Having lost both of his legs from a freak accident while he was backpacking off the coast of Australia, Warren not only decided that his injuries wouldn’t slow him down ― he decided they would propel him to new heights. Just ten months after the incident, Warren climbed Tasmania’s Cradle Mountain and later summited both Mount Kilimanjaro and El Capitan. Inspiring audiences to turn challenge into change, Warren’s talks foster the desire to seek opportunities and overcome obstacles.

Below, Warren writes on uncertainty, and how shifting your perspective can change everything:

All of us feel stuck at some point in our lives, and it’s no wonder. The scientific community suggests that the average adult makes approximately 35,000 decisions each day…

Most of those decisions happen unconsciously, but often, bigger decisions have the capability to consume us; to overwhelm us.

So, what can we do about it?
How do we get unstuck?

We can start by asking “why?”.

  • Why do I want this to happen, or not?
  • What’s in it for me?
  • How does this situation affect myself and others?
  • What will happen if I say “no”?

Remember, perception is key. We need to see as complete a picture as possible when answering these questions and that often means looking through a different lens that the one we’ve been trained to look through.

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Dr. Lance Secretan | Speaker | Organizational Management & Leadership Expert

Speaker, Dr. Lance SecretanDR. LANCE SECRETAN
The Kind of Capitalism We Need Now

Dr. Lance Secretan is widely acknowledged as one of the most insightful and provocative leadership teachers of our time. He is the former CEO of a Fortune 100 company, university professor, award-winning columnist and author of 15 books about inspiration and leadership. He is a thought leader whose teachings and writings on conscious leadership are courageous, radical and ingenious and have been hailed as among the most original, authentic and effective contributions to leadership thinking currently available.

A recent Gallup poll surveying the level of confidence that Americans have in their institutions reveals a frightening truth – big business is ranked second from the bottom, just above (no surprise here) Congress (see chart).

The best employees are attracted to companies that inspire them – they help organizations to excel. Customers buy products that inspire them – they help organizations to grow. The media supports organizations that inspire them – they help organizations to leverage their reputation. We have the most confidence in those people, organizations, ideas, activities and relationships that inspire us most. And we can’t do this from the second to last position.

There is no better system in the world for creating opportunities, employment and raising standards of living, than capitalism. Equally, there is no greater mechanism in our society for doing damage. Therefore, the purpose of every organization is to make a plan, create a corporate culture, establish a leadership ethos and live a set of principles and values that change the world – for the better, not for the worse.

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Michelle Ray – Three Strategies to Respond Positively to Negative Feedback

Michelle Ray - Workplace Relationships ExpertMICHELLE RAY
Three Strategies to Respond Positively to Negative Feedback

Michelle Ray is an award-winning speaker who helps people and organizations of every description to take the lead, get out of their comfort zones and develop the willingness to risk. As an in-demand business conference speaker, educator and leadership coach, Michelle challenges her clients and audiences to take charge of themselves, shift perspectives and discover their greatest potential.

If you have ever been at the receiving end of criticism, either from a co-worker or manager, it is likely you have found yourself struggling to respond positively…or worse, have defaulted to apologizing when you have done nothing wrong. Even if the criticism is warranted or offered inappropriately, you cannot control the other person’s intention, words or delivery. What you can do is respond in a positive fashion while maintaining respect…for yourself and the bearer of disparaging comments. Whether the feedback pertains to your work, your relationship or a specific situation that transpired between both parties, your goal is to rise above the negativity and respond, rather than react.

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