Denise Marek – Author, Media Personality & Work Life Balance Expert

A Fresh Perspective

Gaining a fresh perspective by seeking another’s point of view can work wonders to calm a worried mind.

To get untangled from a web of uncertainty, sometimes all you need is to talk to someone else and get a second opinion. Gaining a fresh perspective by seeking another’s point of view can work wonders to solve problems, create hope, and calm a worried mind. But be careful – while there are many benefits, asking for help can be a little tricky.

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Richard Worzel – Canada’s Leading Futurist & Visionary

Is America Still the Greatest Country in the World?

“There is absolutely no evidence to support the statement that we’re the greatest country in the world. We’re 7th in literacy, 27th in math, 22nd in science, 49th in life expectancy, 178th in infant mortality, 3rd in median household income, number 4 in labor force, and number 4 in exports. We lead the world in only three categories: number of incarcerated citizens per capita, number of adults who believe angels are real, and defense spending, where we spend more than the next 26 countries combined, 25 of whom are allies.”
– News anchor Will MacAvoy, a character in “The Newsroom”, HBO

There are actually two questions implied in the title of this blog. First, is America still the greatest country in the world? And then, if it is, can it remain so – or even, how long can it remain so?

That America was the greatest country in the world following World War II, and through the second half of the 20th Century is beyond dispute. In economic power, military might, cultural influence, and just about every other way, America bestrode the world like a colossus, with only the Soviet Union and its empire providing anything like serious competition.

But just as the sun finally set on the British Empire, is America’s day over?

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Mike Lipkin – World renowned Motivational Speaker, Communicator, Peak Performance Expert

Leadership & Friendship Go Hand In Hand

One of the questions that I’m asked most often is: should leaders be friends with the people they lead? Or should they maintain a distance that prevents sentiment getting in the way of judgment?

Here’s my unequivocal response: friendship and leadership are inseparable. A friend is someone who cares deeply about others, and so is a leader. A friend is someone who puts others’ well-being ahead of his or her own and so is a leader. A friend is someone who others depend on and so is a leader. A friend makes it fun to be around him or her and so does a leader. A friend is someone who others choose to spend time with and so is a leader.

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Amanda Gore – Communications & Customer Service Expert

Business is all about feelings.

Carl Buechner said that “people will forget what you say; they will forget what you do; but they will never forget how you made them feel!”

Do you remember the best boss you ever had?
What made them the best?

Wasn’t it that they genuinely cared for you and you felt that they were interested in you and your growth?  That you felt they believed in you? And they probably did!

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Dr. Mark Devolder – Change, Transition, Leadership & Motivational Expert

Dr. Mark Devolder discusses his keynote presentations

What is the message you hope people take away from your presentations?
There is a common thread through each of my presentations. Whether I’m speaking on change, engagement or leadership, the message I want people to take away is this; it’s all about people. In essence my philosophy can be summed up by my phrase, “The business of relationships.”

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