Richard Worzel – Canada’s Leading Futurist & Visionary

Six Things to Know About the Robots in Your Future

We grew up with robots. There was Rosie the Robot from the Jetsons, the “I, Robot” science fiction series from Isaac Asimov (which later became a movie with Will Smith), the model B9 robot from the “Lost in Space” television series, R2D2 and C3PO from the Star Wars space operas, and the Terminator from the governor’s mansion in California. In the real world, there were robots in car factories, which were big, bulky pieces of machinery bolted to the floor that moved pieces of cars into place, welded seams, and painted car bodies. More recently, we’ve had cute little toys that roll around holding trays on which you can place drinks or snacks, replicas of R2D2 that were either remote control operated or voice-activated, and Roomba and Scooba floor-cleaning robots. And because the real-world robots seemed to fall far short of the fictional robots, and because we’ve been disappointed by real robots for decades we’ve concluded that robots will always be fictional, and will always be disappointing. (For instance, I have a wind up robot in my office that walks and shots sparks, but sadly, refuses to exterminate the people I don’t like.)

Accordingly, we’re about to be surprised, for real robots and their non-physical counterparts, computer intelligences, are about to enter our lives in a very real way. And initially at least, our reactions to them are likely to be that they are either creepy, or infuriating. Let’s start with the ways in which we are likely to encounter robots and computer intelligences, and then let me move on to where the evolution of robots is headed.

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Cheryl Cran – Leadership & Communications Expert

3 Ways to Lead Yourself Through Change in a Fast-Paced and Technological Workplace

There is no question that we are moving faster, that we are more bombarded with information than ever before and that technology is streamlining the way we work and play. At times it can seem as if we could spin off out of control and never find our way back. Well, I have good news- even though time is speeding up and we are faced with more technology we have the power and the control to decide HOW we are going to lead ourselves through it.

Here are 3 ways to lead yourself through change in these turbulent times:

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Denise Marek – Author, Media Personality & Work Life Balance Expert

The Best Is Yet To Come!

A wise soul sat among a large group of people and told an exceptionally funny joke. Everyone laughed whole-heartedly. A minute or so passed and the wise soul repeated the joke. This time, less people laughed. The wise soul told the same joke over and over until there was absolutely no laughter in response. Then the wise soul smiled and said, “Why is it you don’t laugh at the same joke again and again, yet you keep crying over the same thing again and again?”

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Linda Edgecombe – Best-Selling Author & Motivator

Disconnect to Re-Engage,
People Back away from Your Cell

Disconnect to Re-Engage and Just Notice What you Notice

OK, people put down your cell phones, Blackberries, PDA’s, Pocket PC’s…What ever! And FOCUS.  This may sound amusing but I am dead serious here. Oh, and I don’t mean turn them to vibrate, stun or whichever setting you normally do to appear courteous. I want you to shut them OFF. Off means OFF! But wait, there’s more: I want you to keep it OFF for one full day. Yes indeed I formally declare the first ever “National Disconnect to Re-engage Day”.

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Alvin Law – Inspirational, Motivational Speaker

Why I became a speaker and why I continue to speak …

I usually reserve my blogs for my rant-zone and if people didn’t know, 95% of the time, I try to focus on positive thinking both in my work and in my life so my rants are my release valve…one can only take so much. The sad part is how many people are negative 95% of time and believe they not only have a right to be cranky, but they actually call it their nature. I think that’s a cop out because our nature reflects our attitude and attitude is a simple choice.

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