Ryan Estis – Speaker & Business Performance Expert

Ryan Estis - Business Performance Expert - www.kmprod.com/speakers/ryan-estisRYAN ESTIS
Leadership Isn’t a Job

Ryan Estis helps companies and individual contributors embrace change and achieve breakthrough performance. Each live event blends original research with compelling stories that move participants to take action. Ryan has 20 years of business experience working with the world’s best brands to initiate change, inspire innovation and deliver growth. It doesn’t matter what you do, whether you are in the government or private business: Culture drives success

Think about the people who’ve helped you get where you are today. Have you had an extraordinary leader or mentor who’s made an impact on you? If you’re like me, you can clearly pinpoint one or two people who have provided support, guidance, challenge, inspiration and mentorship to help you become the person and professional you are today.

Do they know the impact they made on your life and/or career?

I like to challenge people to consider this question and often encourage them to take the time to let those people know (if they are still able). I missed the opportunity to thank someone who made a huge difference in my life and I regret it to this day.

I also think it’s worth considering: “Who would put you on their list? What impact are you having?”

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Michael Kerr – The Workplace Energizer | Speaker

Michael Kerr - The Workplace Energizer - www.kmprod.com/michael-kerrMICHAEL KERR
Culture at Work is Everything, and Everything is Culture

Why choose between humour and content when you can have both? Mike Kerr is one of North America’s leading authorities on fostering innovative and inspiring workplace cultures. His presentations—known for introducing practical ideas that audiences can put to work immediately—are delivered in a truly unforgettable and hilarious fashion for maximum impact. Below, Mike explains why your workplace culture is so important

Michael Kerr - The Workplace Energergizer - www.kmprod.com/michael-kerrIt doesn’t matter what you do, whether you are in the government or private business: Culture drives success.

When I use the word “culture,” I’m referring to your workplace’s personality. Your DNA.  How you do the things you do.  I’m talking about an ecosystem, holistic, long term perspective of your workplace and recognizing that everything in work is interconnected to everything else.

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Jeff Rubin – Speaker, Oil & Energy Expert, Economist

Jeff Rubin - Author, Economist, Energy Expert & Speaker JEFF RUBIN
Why I’ve Divested From The Oil Sands

Jeff Rubin, one of the world’s most prominent experts on the future of “black gold,” explains why the end of cheap supply means the end of easy answers to renewing prosperity—and the end of globalization as we now know it. Rubin was the former Chief Economist at CIBC World Markets (for almost 20 years), is a frequent columnist for The Globe and Mail, and is the bestselling author of Why Your World Is About to Get a Whole Lot Smaller, and The End of Growth. In this new column in The Globe, Jeff writes about why he’s divested from the oil sands:

Adherents of index investing in Canada have had a rough month as falling oil prices have inflicted considerable pain on not just the energy sector but the entire Canadian market. After surveying the landscape I’ve finally thrown in the towel on the TSX and switched my investing allegiance south of the border to the less oily S&P 500.

Look back over the last few years and the biggest challenge facing oil sands producers would certainly seem to be the inability to get a major new pipeline project approved that would allow the industry to sell its ever expanding production to new markets. Now, however, falling oil prices are changing the conversation that Big Oil is having with the rest of the country about the need to build more pipeline infrastructure. At today’s oil prices, the expected doubling of oil sands production over the next decade just isn’t in the cards. If oil sands output isn’t going up then where exactly is the impetus to break ground on a new pipeline? Indeed, the more relevant issue facing oil sands investors at the moment isn’t about how production from northern Alberta might be expanded, but whether the industry’s current level of production is sustainable.

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Speaker Cheryl Cran on Reverse Mentoring

On Reverse Mentoring: The Untapped Resource for Innovation and Business Growth

Reverse mentoring is a concept that was first introduced in the 90’s by Jack Welch, then CEO of GM, who insisted that all senior leaders be paired up with young tech whizzes. Since then, companies such as Hewlett Packard and Cisco Systems are benefiting from the creation of reverse mentoring programs.

So, what does reverse mentoring look like?

Reverse mentoring is the pairing Gen Y’s or Millennials with Senior Leaders, who meet in a neutral environment with the focus of the meet-up on how the Gen Y or Millennial can provide ideas, support, or tools for the Senior Leader to increase knowledge on technology and social media. Often, the Senior Leader will share his or her knowledge on business with the Gen Y or Millennial, which provides the young mentors with added value.

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Mike Lipkin – Speaker | The Importance of Eye Contact

Please look at me because eye contact makes you real and likable

Sawubona. This is the Zulu greeting for “hello” from my native South Africa. But the literal translation of Sawubona means ‘I see you’ and the response, ‘Ngikhona’ means ‘I am here’. Inherent in the Zulu greeting and our grateful response, is the sense that until you saw me, I didn’t exist. By recognizing me, you brought me into existence. A Zulu proverb clarifies this, “Umuntu ngumuntu nagabantu”, meaning, “A person is a person because of other people”.

So think about this: when you make eye contact with other people, you bring them into existence. You connect them to the world that you represent. By looking directly at people, you acknowledge their presence and make them real. Without that connection, they may feel isolated and even disoriented.

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