The BEST Speakers & Shows for Conferences & Conventions | Toronto Corporate Events


Proudly Canadian

- Event Inquiry -

We're well aware of the challenges involved when planning a conference, corporate events, team building event, entertainment for a banquet, or an event speaker. We're here to help you in making your job - and life - easier! Filling out the form below with as much information as possible, will allow us to suggest the perfect motivational speaker, shows, comedians, entertainment or services for your special events. THERE IS NO OBLIGATION WHATSOEVER TO YOU, in completing & submitting this page.

NON DISCLOSURE POLICY: Please note that all information submitted from this page is treated with the utmost confidentiality by K&M Productions. All information received is strictly for internal company usage and it will never be shared or disclosed to any outside 3rd parties. However to discourage spammers "environmentally transmitted" information as well as all IP addresses are logged. You can read more about our privacy policies here.

**Fields marked with an *asterisk are required.
**When inputting your email address, only enter yourname@domainname.ext (no commas, brackets, quotation marks or anything preceding the email address itself.)




Phone Number* (work and/or cell)


Your Event
Event Date

Budget* (There's ALWAYS a budget!)

Event Location (City/Venue)

Event Type* (Live or Virtual)

Event Theme

Anticipated Number of Guests

Which of K&M Productions' corporate event services are you interested in?

(Click inside any of the applicable boxes below.)

If Other Event Service please specify:

Was there a particular Speaker, Band, Show,
Entertainer or program of interest?

(if not showing in box below):


 Preferred Method of Contact:

 Other info:

 Please indicate how were you referred to this web site?
 (ie. Google, Internet Search Engine, Link from another site,
 Collegue, Past Client, Facebook, YouTube, etc.)

(Please click inside box below and begin typing.)

CLICK on or TAP the Submit box to send your info.

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Website Design & Development by Emmatt Digital Solutions Inc. Peterborough