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Alvin Law

Armless Inspirational Motivational Speaker;
Step Into Your Greatness™

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Alvin Law challenges his audience members to examine their current perceptions of themselves, other people and the world around them so they can then overcome the same obstacles that Alvin was able to overcome – not how to live and function with no arms, but how to be a successful, compassionate, positive and engaged human being that leaves the world a better place than how they found it. Alvin Law will show you how to Step Into Your Greatness™

Born with no arms as a result of the drug Thalidomide, Alvin was adopted by a family who taught him to use his feet for hands – and who by doing so gave him the gift of freedom. Alvin’s mission is to spark a worldwide Attitude Revolution. Attitude Revolutions happen because people are inspired, from within themselves, to practice cultivating a more proactive and effective outlook on their lives. Alvin knows, and demonstrates to his audiences, that attitude is not about touchy-feely platitudes or ‘thinking positive’ – attitude is how we look at and interpret life overall. It is a skill that can be learned, and that must be practiced. It is a tool that can be used. Most importantly, it can’t be imposed upon people – it has to come from a genuine place.

Alvin uses his story to challenge audiences to rewrite the negative stories they tell themselves about themselves; to stop feeling like victims in their lives and get proactive; to stop making excuses and start making choices. His fusion of storytelling, musical performance and down-to-earth humour connect with his audiences at an intimate, intense and individual level. Over 7,500 organizations on five continents have used Alvin to ignite, engage and transform their people.

In addition to being a professional speaker, he is a trained broadcaster, fundraiser, award-winning musician and bestselling author. He has earned the designation of Certified Speaking Professional (CSP), an honour possessed by less than ten percent of professional speakers worldwide. In 2009, Alvin was inducted into the Canadian Association of Speakers (CAPS) Hall of Fame.

He has appeared on countless telethons and media features, and has been the subject of two award-winning television documentaries. He has played a direct role in raising over $175,000,000 for charity.

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  • Diversity Speakers: Equity & Inclusion
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  • Inspiring Stories
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Alvin Law Speaking Presentations:

Step Into Your Greatness™

Be inspired. Push through obstacles. Create more possibilities.

Every single person walks around with an invisible label stuck to their forehead. It’s like one of those nametags you get at networking events. Except that these labels don’t tell people your name. Instead, they describe your limitations.

As a guy without any arms, Alvin Law has worn a lot of labels in his life: “disabled”, “victim”, “freak”. Good and bad, he’s heard them all. All these labels were given to him by other people. People who sized him up without asking a single question. People who knew exactly what he could do and, more importantly, what he couldn’t.

Many of us live up to these labels. We accept what other people say about us as gospel truth, choosing to be restrained by these limitations. Law believes that it doesn’t have to be that way. He believes we all have the power to change those labels.

In his customized presentations, Law will inspire audiences to stop focusing on what’s missing and start seeing all the possibilities within their reach. He challenges them to rip off those labels and overcome those obstacles that stand in their way to create a new future.

Are you ready to take that first step into your greatness? Entertaining and encouraging, key takeaways include how to:

  • Embrace an attitude of possibility and “yes, I can!”
  • Accept the gift of learning by asking more questions and actually listening to the answers.
  • Start looking for the value in every person and every circumstance that you encounter.
  • Feed your imagination so you can unlock the power of your potential.
  • Commit to never giving up on yourself and your teammates.

Who is this presentation for?

  • Associations
  • Client and staff appreciation events
  • Sales team rallies
  • Government agency teams
  • Health care professionals
  • Students of all ages
  • Any organization that has human beings on their team

There Really Is No Such Word As Can’t

Focus: change management, culture, accountability;
Format: opening or closing keynote;
Alternate titles: There’s Always Something You Can Do; When Amazing is Your Normal

In this presentation, your audience will learn how to adapt to and embrace change, and recommit to their role in your organization. There are no buzzwords or jargon here - just Alvin using his story and his life to model adaptability, resilience and drive, and inspire your people to stop seeing problems, and start seeing possibilities. By the end, they will see themselves as champions who can make the company and its people more successful, and be excited to jump in and take ownership of their role in the process.

The Attitude Effect

Focus: leadership, for leaders, personal leadership
Format: opening or closing keynote

You’ve probably heard of The Butterfly Effect - a principle of chaos theory which states that a butterfly flapping its wings in New Mexico, at the right point in space and time, can cause a hurricane in China. It might take a while, but the connection is real. It’s an interesting way of expressing the fact that seemingly very small actions can have drastic effects.

The Attitude Effect works the same way. A team leader, manager, supervisor or C-level executive with a poor attitude tends to pass it on to employees and co-workers, lowering morale and creating a negative work environment. And employees tend to pass it on to customers...who then decide to take their business elsewhere. To put it plainly, a leader with a bad attitude can have a drastic effect on the productivity and profitability of the entire company.  +

The good news? Our attitude is the one thing we have complete control over. We can’t always choose what happens to us on a day to day basis, but we can choose our attitude. And when a leader adopts and practices good attitude habits, it ripples throughout the entire organization. Productivity, innovation, engagement, quality, service and customer loyalty can skyrocket when you have a positive company culture.

In this presentation, you’ll learn how to make The Attitude Effect work for you. You’ll learn how your interpretation of business and personal stresses impact your work, your attitude and your co-workers, and how to be aware of and re-interpret your attitudes on a day-to-day basis. This presentation won’t teach you how to do your job - you can hire an MBA coach for that. What it will do is demonstrate how practicing good attitude habits helps you become the type of leader people are excited to work with, and give you the tools you need to practice The Attitude Effect at work and in your personal life. (No mantras, group hugs or sing-alongs… promise!)  --

Yes, You Can: 5 Steps to Successfully Overcome Anything

Focus: team-building, employee engagement, employee appreciation/motivation
Format: opening or closing keynote; half-day workshop; breakout session

No matter who we are or what our job title is, one thing is true: we are all the leaders of our own lives. We are all creative problem solvers, and we all have unique value we bring to our personal and professional relationships. Thing is, we don’t always remember this about ourselves...or about our friends, family, co-workers, employees and team members. Caught up in the day-to-day grind, it’s pretty easy to forget. +

Personal leadership? Responsibility? Resiliency? They are attitudes. And these attitudes can be learned by anyone. They can become habits we practice at work and at home, in our personal and professional relationships. And they can become tools we draw on to successfully face, and overcome, any challenge.

Combining lessons from his remarkable life of being born without arms with his unique insight into personal and workplace challenges, Alvin has developed a series of proven strategies for enhancing and sustaining attitudes of leadership, responsibility and resiliency both on the job and in your personal life. You’ll learn how to apply these time-tested techniques to spark your creativity, recognize your value and the value of those around you, and step into your natural role as leader in your own life. --

Alvin Law is represented by K&M Productions for speaking engagements.

For more information, Alvin Law's speaking schedule & booking Alvin Law, contact us.

What Clients are Saying

Everyone loved him! He, and his presentation were absolutely amazing.

–Farm Credit Canada (Ontario)


Everyone loved him! He, and his presentation were absolutely amazing.

–Farm Credit Canada (Ontario)

I’ve seen well over a hundred speakers, and there isn’t another like Alvin. He isn’t a nice to have. He’s a must have.!

–Kevin Kerley, Chairman, Academy of Chief Executives

I just wanted to send you a short note to tell you how wonderful you were as a keynote speaker at the conference which was held in Toronto.  I have to admit that I have been going to the Million Dollar Round Table for many years, and have not heard a speaker like you, who motivated an audience to the degree that you did that evening.  To be born with no arms, and to maintain the attitude that you’ve done over the years, is absolutely remarkable.  You have certainly turned your handicap into an asset for you, and this message should be heard by all people throughout the world.

–Manulife Conference

Alvin provided the most powerful message I've ever heard from a public speaker. He is an incredibly gifted presenter ... I was blown away.

–Mark Cullen, CTV

Alvin was FANTASTIC!!  What an amazing man!  Our whole organization has not stopped talking about him and how wonderful he was.

–Burlington Hydro

The response we have had to your presentation was beyond any that we have received in the past. Each of us present were touched and impressed by you and your remarkable perseverance.

–Hicks Financial Solution

Alvin Law kicked off day 2 of our "Inspirational Leadership Summit", setting the bar so high, the only person who could follow his presentation was Michael Dell himself! Alvin spoke to 300 of our top finance executives and touched each one of them. He reminded each of us that we have the tools to be successful, we just needed the right attitude!  He left a lasting impression – he was truly unforgettable!

– Dell (Global Financial Services)
Booked by K&M Productions

Your participation as a speaker created value for the more than 350 delegates who attended and contributed significantly to the overall success of the Conference. Your preparation and work to present and share valuable information with colleagues from across the country was appreciated.

–Canadian Society of Safety Engineering

Feed back from our members was entirely positive. Quite simply ... they loved him!

–Thames Valley District School Board

I have just received an education from you in attitude, in overcoming adversity and in celebrating one's life. I found at various moments your presentation to be filled with such emotion that I was close to tears, and yet at other moments I was chuckling with laughter.

–McKeough Supply Inc.

The event was a huge success. The teen audience was really interested and engaged in Alvin's presentation. He is a terrific presenter and I would have him again. It was a wonderful event, a wonderful presentation and a wonderful day.

–Director of Education - Penticton Indian Band


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