General Rick Hillier
Chair of the Ukrainian World Congress' Strategic Advisory Council
& Former Chief of the Defence Staff
Leadership requirements on the front lines of business are not so different than those on the front lines of combat, says speaker General (Retired) Rick Hillier. Each position requires a strong and sound vision to lead a united and skilled team. Drawing from more than 30 years of experience with the Canadian Forces, including the three he served as Canada’s Chief of the Defence Staff, General Hillier takes audiences through the principles of leadership that he learned on the battlefield, and how they can be applied to civilian life.
Rick Hillier’s passion, leadership and outspoken nature have captured the hearts and minds of Canadians across the country. A man who takes pride in his country, his team and the significance of his mission, General Hillier is one of Canada’s most celebrated leaders. Hillier tells it like it is – with confidence and a straight-talking manner – as he helps organizations strengthen their leadership skills and understand geopolitical events. As Chief of the Defence Staff, Canada’s highest-ranking position in the Canadian Forces, he oversaw Canada’s most important mission in Afghanistan. General Hillier currently serves as the Chair of the Ukrainian World Congress’ Strategic Advisory Council. +
General Rick Hillier is a Canadian army officer who served as the Chief of the Defence Staff, the top-ranking officer in the Canadian military, from 2005 to 2008. Throughout his career, General Hillier has had the privilege and pleasure of commanding troops from the platoon to multi-national formation level within Canada, Europe, Asia and the United States. He has worked as a staff officer in several headquarters, first at the Army level in Montreal and later at the strategic level in Ottawa.
Hillier was recently appointed as Chair of the Strategic Advisory Council by the Ukrainian World Congress where he offers support and advocacy for the Ukraine’s defence militia and is an advisor the military side where the council can be of support or assistance. As part of this role, General Hillier is championing the #UniteWithUkraine campaign, which has been helping procure non-lethal protective equipment for Ukrainians since shortly after the war began. Hillier’s skills and experience in international diplomacy, defence, procurement, intelligence, logistics, communications, law and fundraising will support the civilian defenders in Ukraine’s Territorial Defence Force.
For 2024, Hillier is championing a new initiative – Heroes Among Us.
“We want to tell the stories of those heroes who line every road we take. We will do so with stories in the National Post, online distribution with Historica Canada, and every other avenue available to tell their stories. Inspire Canadians, new and old, young and mature, Indigenous and the newest immigrants. Let them be inspired by the incredible examples of service to our nation, to our ideals and for causes that are worthy of risking — and sometimes losing — your life. By doing so, we not only pay tribute to their sacrifices but also reinforce the values that define us as a nation.”
In late November 2021, Premier Doug Ford announced that General Hillier would chair the province’s task force coordinating the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines from their arrival through delivery to health units to distribution to Ontario residents. Hillier implemented the COVID-19 immunization program using his logistical expertise and insight to help develop a vaccine distribution plan and navigate the many challenges getting infrastructure in place to ensure the success of Ontario’s vaccination program.
Born in Newfoundland and Labrador, General Rick Hillier joined the Canadian Forces as soon as he could. Having enrolled in the Canadian Forces in 1973 through the Regular Officer Training Plan program, he graduated from Memorial University of Newfoundland in 1975 with a Bachelor of Science Degree. After completing his armour officer classification training, he joined his first regiment, the 8th Canadian Hussars (Princess Louise’s) in Petawawa, Ontario. Subsequently, he served with, and later commanded, the Royal Canadian Dragoons in Canada and Germany.
In 1998 General Hillier was appointed as the first Canadian Deputy Commanding General of III Corps, US Army in Fort Hood, Texas. In 2000 he took command of NATO’s Stabilization Force’s (SFOR) Multinational Division (Southwest) in Bosnia-Herzegovina. In May 2003 General Hillier was appointed as Commander of the Army and subsequently, in October 2003, he was selected as the Commander of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Kabul, Afghanistan. General Hillier was promoted to his present rank and assumed duties as the Chief of the Defence Staff on 4 February 2005.
He retired from the Canadian Forces in July 2008, and was subsequently appointed as chancellor of Memorial University of Newfoundland. In 2009, Hillier co-founded Project Hero, a scholarship program for the children of Canadian Forces personnel killed while on active military duty. --
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Leadership in Tough Times
Through the stories of the men and women who represent our country around the world, supported by their families, and doing the toughest jobs imaginable, Hillier illustrates how at its core, leadership is about people. This presentation is both funny and moving. Hillier uses stunning and poignant visuals of our troops “in action” to demonstrate how leaders are made, not born, and this presentation is certain to resonate with a wide spectrum of audiences.
For more information, General Rick Hillier's speaking schedule & booking General Rick Hillier, contact us. PLEASE NOTE: We only respond to serious, booking-related inquiries for paid speaking engagements for conferences, conventions & corporate events.
Gen Hillier's presentation was just splendid, and he personifies what we are all so proud of in those who serve in the armed forces. He combined stories about his incredible career experiences with great humour, and he has an exceptional ability to connect with his audience. His leadership lessons can be applied to any work environment. He had us all laughing, crying, and wanting to work in Tim Horton's in Kandahar. He graciously posed for pictures, and signed copies of his new book, which we gave away as very popular door prizes. Thanks for spending time with our group - we are all new fans!
–The Canadian Institute of Underwriters
Gen Hillier's presentation was just splendid, and he personifies what we are all so proud of in those who serve in the armed forces. He combined stories about his incredible career experiences with great humour, and he has an exceptional ability to connect with his audience. His leadership lessons can be applied to any work environment. He had us all laughing, crying, and wanting to work in Tim Horton's in Kandahar. He graciously posed for pictures, and signed copies of his new book, which we gave away as very popular door prizes. Thanks for spending time with our group - we are all new fans!
–The Canadian Institute of Underwriters
Warm, witty and wise, General Rick Hillier is an electric speaker who charges his audience with enthusiasm and is an ideal choice for any conference. After a long day of presentations and panel discussions as part of our International Transportation Summit , General Hillier stepped to the podium to deliver an address on Canada's military role in the world and the men and women who define that role. His personal anecdotes and slide presentation put a human touch on the Canadian Military and the families that support them. General Hillier engaged and charmed the crowd, with his fast-paced, information-packed and emotion-filled address. He moved grown men to tears. Need I say more
–Atlantic Provinces Trucking Association
As our Conference Opening Keynote Speaker you inspired our conference attendees to reach for greater heights in leadership. Your keynote address directly impacted the overall success of our national conference and was very much appreciated by those in attendance. Your session was the highest rated presentation at the conference. The comments I received from our attendees about your presentation throughout the event were outstanding! We are very appreciative of the time you took to prepare and deliver your candid and inspiring presentation.
–Credit Union Central of Canada
Unstoppable. Immensely persuasive. Steeped in Newfoundlander charm. Magnetic leader. More impressive than any politician in Ottawa. Ask about a soldier named Rick Hillier and the superlatives never cease.
–The Globe & Mail