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Katty Kay

U.S. Special Correspondent for BBC Studios,
Award-winning Journalist & Bestselling Author

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Katty Kay is an award-winning journalist who brings an instinctively global perspective to her observations on American politics and global affairs. She has spent nearly 30 years with BBC News as a reporter and news anchor, where she’s reported on six US presidential elections, Washington politics, financial crashes, world trouble spots, and more. As a speaker, panel moderator, or interviewer, Kay’s global perspective helps audiences cut through complex issues and see them in valuable context.

Currently the US special correspondent for BBC Studios, Kay hosts TV documentaries, presents her own podcast series, and writes a weekly news column for BBC News. Her first TV documentary, Trump: The Comeback?, takes a closer look at the fate of American democracy and provides insight on what may come in the 2024 presidential election. Kay is also a regular contributor on MSNBC’s Morning Joe as well as serving as a guest-host for the program on occasion.

Kay also writes on the art and science of self-assurance in women and girls. Helping women turn thoughts into action and master a more confident mindset is one of her passions, which drove her to co-author, with Claire Shipman, five New York Times’ bestselling books: Womenomics, The Confidence Code, The Confidence Code for Girls, Living the Confidence Code, and The Power Code: More Joy. Less Ego. Maximize Impact for Women (and Everyone).

Following this, Kay co-authored three more New York Times bestselling books with Claire Shipman and JillEllyn Riley: The Confidence Code for Girls: Taking Risks, Messing Up, and Becoming Your Amazingly Imperfect, Totally Powerful Self; the follow-up, The Confidence Code for Girls Journal: A Guide to Embracing Your Amazingly Imperfect, Totally Powerful Self; and her most recent, Living the Confidence Code: Real Girls, Real Stories, Real Confidence. These empowering, entertaining guides gives girls the essential yet elusive code to becoming bold, brave, and fearless.

On the fun side, Kay had the distinction of being immortalized in pop culture in 2018 when her name was the answer to a question on Jeopardy. In the same week, she was portrayed in a skit on Saturday Night Live, which satirized a moment from MSNBC’s Morning Joe program.

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  • Politics & Current Events
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(All of the following can be delivered virtually or live)


Emerging from the pandemic, America is grappling with unprecedented social, cultural, workplace, economic, political, and technological change. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – and its new closer ties with China – further complicate the political and economic picture for the U.S. In this speech, veteran journalist Katty Kay gives audiences the latest news from Washington – unpacking politics and policies and their impact.


The world can change in an instant. The pandemic decimated economies, increased nationalism, and raised internal tensions in America and most developed countries. Leaders and political systems were under the spotlight and authoritarian politicians used the crisis to seize control. Most recently, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine initiated a global response the likes of which we’ve not seen since WWII.


Confidence! With it, we can take on the world; without it, we don’t ask for raises, request that important meeting, or take risks. In the success equation, research shows that confidence is even more critical than competence. But what is confidence? Where does it come from? Are we born with it or do we acquire it? And why do women have less of it than their talents deserve?


New research shows women don’t want power – the cost of getting it is too high and power itself looks unappealing. But companies do better with more women in leadership. Countries do better with women in political office. Everyone does better with more women in power..


As a journalist, Katty Kay regularly interviews scores of political dignitaries, business leaders, and cultural icons for her news broadcasts. She brings that talent to corporate, association, and organization events where she’s interviewed noted figures from a wide variety of backgrounds including Condoleezza Rice, Anna Wintour, Dan Levy, Michael Lewis, Cynt Marshall, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Carlo Ancelotti, Anoush Ansari and scores more. The skill, grace and humor Katty brings to in-person and virtual events as a panel moderator, discussion leader, and interviewer will get the most out of her guest/panelists and create a memorable experience for the audience.

For more information, Katty Kay's speaking schedule, feesbooking Katty Kay contact us. (Extremely serious, booking-related inquiries only.)

Keywords: American Politics, Current Events and News, Global Affairs, Diversity, Media Figures, Author, International Affairs, Election Outlook, Washington Update, HR Focus, Inspiration, Women and Workplace, Womenomics, Impostor Syndrome, Personal Development, Leadership, Motivation, Peak Performance, and Moderator & Interviewer.


I can’t begin to describe how well Katty connected with our audience. She really resonated with the group as a single presenter discussing politics in DC and the obvious partisanship and discord that threaten our political representatives to govern. Interestingly, she does not give the press a free ride either, as too often, be it television or radio, the media has turned nearly as partisan as our politics.  She was engaging, confident and yet self-deprecating at the same time.  Doing double duty, she then moderated a business session discussing gender issues in the industry where she performed magnificently. With her recent book, “Womenomics”, it was obvious she knows the concerns and problems of women in the corporate world and their impact in the marketplace.  We had several compliments about this session, especially from men. Having said all that, perhaps her most important attribute is her genuineness. She was perfect for our program and our audience. I would not be hesitant to recommend her to any organization.

–President/CEO, NABCA


I can’t begin to describe how well Katty connected with our audience. She really resonated with the group as a single presenter discussing politics in DC and the obvious partisanship and discord that threaten our political representatives to govern. Interestingly, she does not give the press a free ride either, as too often, be it television or radio, the media has turned nearly as partisan as our politics.  She was engaging, confident and yet self-deprecating at the same time.  Doing double duty, she then moderated a business session discussing gender issues in the industry where she performed magnificently. With her recent book, “Womenomics”, it was obvious she knows the concerns and problems of women in the corporate world and their impact in the marketplace.  We had several compliments about this session, especially from men. Having said all that, perhaps her most important attribute is her genuineness. She was perfect for our program and our audience. I would not be hesitant to recommend her to any organization.

–President/CEO, NABCA

Katty Kay was a huge hit with the attendees at NY Cash Exchange! She did a great job of creating a current events message geared to our group’s primary areas of interest and her presentation style was very polished and professional. Her humor provided a welcome balance.  Perhaps the highest point was the Q&A session. She is obviously very well informed and quick minded. We would certainly book her again.

–Managing Director, Ruzek Management

Thank you for being such a great keynote speaker. Your presentation touched our entire membership. The way you set the table with your message of where America fits in today’s Global Economy, was quite skillful and eye opening for those attending. They felt reassured that the USA was still the world leader that they all grew up believing and yes … better days are on their way!

–Florida Public Pension Trustees Association

It was our pleasure to have you appear before our attendees last week in Miami on the occasion of our annual meeting of the American Cotton Shippers Association. Your comments and analysis of domestic and international matters was very well received and enjoyed by everyone I spoke with afterwards. The connections you made with our members regarding their export markets relating to China, Turkey, and others was a very good fit. Your genuine approach to the audience was refreshing and made personal by your wonderful smile and personality.

–President/CEO, ACSA

Katty was absolutely fantastic.  The attendees loved her.  Her comments couldn’t have been more well suited for our audience. She’s a very personable person which makes hosting so much easier.  I am so glad that we were able to do this.

– Chemical & Associated Technologies Association


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